
We plant mangroves in Malindi Ungwana Bay

  • Kenya
Our local communities plant mangroves in the Malindi Ungwana Bay in the Republic of Kenya, a crucial sea turtle habitat and stopover for thousands of migratory birds.
Funding status
No poverty SDG

What will we do?

Our local communities plant mangrove trees in the Malindi Ungwana Bay in the Republic of Kenya, a crucial sea turtle habitat and stopover for thousands of migratory birds.

Ca. 0.90 EUR =  1 mangrove tree planted.

Mangrove restoration
Hawksbill sea turtle

Why this project?

In Kenya, mangroves are strongly threatened by deforestation. Human-induced activities such as firewood harvesting, plastic and oil pollution have led to the degradation of this fragile, but very important ecosystem.

Impact on climate change

Carbon sequestration

Mangrove forests have a remarkable capacity to store and sequester carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere. A study found that pound for pound, mangroves can sequester four times more carbon than rainforests can.

Impact on biodiversity

A diverse breeding ground

These mangrove forests will serve as important nursery areas for a.o. parrot fish, rabbit fish, snappers, groupers, barracudas, crabs, and shrimps. Their intricate root systems will also help stabilize sediments and filter pollutants, improving water quality and maintaining healthy coastal ecosystems.

Thousands of migratory and resident birds, including regionally and globally threatened species are found in the Creek which is designated as an Important Bird Area.

Impact on the community

Improving livelihoods

These mangrove forests will act as storm barriers, protecting the communities from flooding and soil erosion. Their role as fish nursery will also have a big impact on the local economy.

Thanks to this project, community members are able to obtain living-wage employment through the nurseries created for tree planting .

They also feel stimulated and supported to create ecotourism micro-enterprises.


Your contact person

Have questions about this project? Feel free to reach out to Michael.

Michael Boschmans

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